Payment Guidelines
After Dr. Syndergaard, Dr. Bauerle, or Dr. Wilcox have established a treatment plan, we will review the fees for the suggested treatment plan with you.
We collect in full at the time of initial visit
There is a fee for the first visit/exams. We do accept Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express, and Care Credit. We will accept personal checks if we have your social security number and a copy of your photo id.
Patients Who Have Dental Insurance
Dental insurance is billed electronically, as a courtesy to you. In order to process insurance claims, we must have the following: Insurance card, social security number, and photo ID. We collect your portion at each appointment. Without pre-authorization from your insurance company, we will collect in full. If your primary insurance company has responded to our request for pre-authorization, we will collect the amount they estimate to be your responsibility. This includes those patients who have secondary insurances.
• Your periodontal hygiene visits. Most insurance companies do not cover the full fee for these appointments, and therefore a co-pay is required for most hygiene visits.
• We allow 30 days for your insurance company to pay claim. 45 days after treatment, all balances are due from you, even if insurance benefits are pending.
• A 1.5% finance fee will be added to any balance 60 days or more past due.
• Any balance 90 days or more past due is subject to collection proceedings.
For Patients Who Do Not Have Dental Insurance
Payment for treatment is due in full at the time of service.
Care Credit
Care Credit is available for patients who would like extended payment options. Scan the QR Code or follow this link to apply online before your visit to our office.

Federal Blue Cross
We do not contract with your insurance. ALL FEES ARE DUE AT THE TIME OF SERVICE, even if you have a secondary insurance company. Benefits are assigned to the patient. It will be your responsibility to provide our office with the explanation of benefits to bill your 2nd insurance.
Any credit balance that occurs will be refunded as soon as possible, or will be applied to your next scheduled appointment, per your request. A $25.00 fee will be charged for any returned checks. If there has been any history of collection delays, payment is due in full on the day of treatment by cash or credit card. We will assist you in billing your insurance, and reimburse you if they pay your claim.